What Are The Most Popular Skilled Trades in 2022?

Trade classroom

Many people believe they need a college degree to uncover a rewarding and lucrative career. Nonetheless, the skilled trades offer in-demand and well-paying opportunities that do not require a bachelor’s. Skilled trades’ schools also take considerably less time and money to finish than a traditional 4-year program.

Vocational programs instruct students for many high-paying employment careers, including construction management, electrical and electronic engineering, and radiation therapy. The article would bring to your notice some of the most popular skilled trades that are in high demand and pay off amazingly.

Most Popular Skilled Trades


Plumbers spend their days working on, well, plumbing.  installation, repair, and maintaining plumbing systems, using a variety of hand tools and plenty of know-how.

The average salary for plumbers is around $55,160, which is a solid living. But, as you earn experience, that goes up. The top ten per cent bring in over $97,170, so some are crossing the 6 figure threshold. In fact, in some parts of Illinois, the average annual salary is over $86,000, so the top ten per cent are probably well into the 6-figure region.

Construction Manager

Construction manager is one of the most popular skilled trades. As a construction manager, you would spend your time supervising projects and managing a variety of tradespeople. On a normal day, you might develop plans, set budgets, take care of deadlines, and maintain a team moving.

To go this path, you will need some construction experience in the first place, and a few college-level programs in areas such as business, accounting, or building management might not harm you. But, once you have proved your strength, if you land a job with the average salary, you could receive $95,260 per year.

A constructor

Elevator Mechanic

Elevator mechanics emphasise repairing, installing, and pursuing elevators. In many cases, they also work on other types of people-oriented vehicles, like moving walkways and escalators.

Now, do remember in mind that tight spaces and heights both come with the area. If you are not claustrophobic, then that is probably not a problem. But, if you are, this might not be a good option for you.

Electrical Powerline Technician

Also called power utility mechanics, electrical powerline technicians concentrate on assuring that homes, businesses, and everything else has electricity. They install, maintain, and restore high-voltage power lines, at moment by climbing power poles and standing in cherry pickers.
Usually, your days are smooth. But, if there is an outage, you could be cast to help. In exchange for your devotion, you could achieve a salary of $65,700 per year.

Aircraft Mechanic

Do you love aeroplanes? Then why not serve as an aircraft mechanic. It is one of the highest paying skilled trade jobs. You would get to spend your time making sure these wonderful flying machines are in tip-top form, repairing issues, and handling routine maintenance.

Usually, aircraft mechanics attain their skills at a technical school that is FAA also known as Federal Aviation Administration certified. After that, with a bit of on-the-job activity and some time, you could be taking in an annual salary of $64,310.


In comparison to other businesses, the path to becoming a full-fledged electrician can belong. It is not unusual for internships to last up to four years. That way, you will have a chance to understand everything you will need to get your license.

But, while you are under training, you do get paid, so that helps. Moreover, once you learn the ins and outs of the business – including installing, maintaining, and rebuilding electrical units, wiring, and controls – you could ensure a salary of $56,180 per year. If you are considering a career in trades, being an electrician would be a good match if you love the dynamics and statics of electricity.

Home and Building Inspector

As a home and tower inspector, security is your priority. You spend your days making clear that structures, modifications, and repairs are done appropriately and to local building code standards.

During your exercise, you understand a broad range of systems, comprising plumbing, electrical, and many more. Moreover, you will attain knowledge about building methods and construction methods, assuring you can vet them appropriately. In exchange for your know-how, you can attain an average salary of $60,710 per year.

Sterile techs training

Registered Nurses

Registered nurses (RNs) are found in all types of healthcare environments, not only in hospitals. Pulse to examining patients’ conditions, arranging their care, and conducting tests and treatments, RNs play a vital role in patient education and support. To become an RN, you are expected to complete a state-approved nursing course and pass a national exam.

This skilled trade job has a promotional rate of 9% and pays off $75,000 annually.

Landscape Architect

If you are an outdoor fanatic, then a job as a landscape architect could be just what you are looking for. You could use your days building outdoor spaces, involving anything from parks to commercial courtyards to backyards.

Now, this is a trade job that needs a licence, and generally requires a Bachelor’s degree. But, it could, however, be worth exploring as, once you fulfil the requirements, you could receive an average salary of $69,360 per year.


Eventually, getting into the skilled trades can be a wonderful choice. Many of the highest paying trade jobs are confronting skill shortages. With a little training, you could find yourself on the path toward a remarkable career, one that can keep you committed and adequately paid for the rest of your working life.

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